Travel Information

Fijian citizens travelling to Cambodia

Citizens of Fiji that are travelling to Cambodia can get a visa on arrival.

What to expect in Cambodia

inexpensive cost of living
🐌 Below average wifi
⛅ warm weather
👯‍♂️ good for parties
low tax

Flights and Prices

Flight prices to Cambodia from Fiji usually are around 2221.00 FJD. Cathay Pacific is a common carrier airline.

International and domestic airlines

Common international airlines are

Air Asia, Vietnam, and Vietnam Air

. Popular domestic airlines are

Vietnam Air, and Air Asia

Common Tourist Questions

🥘 Do I need to tip?

No, you are not expected to tip at restaurants and other service businesses.

💰 Should I carry cash?

No, you don't have to carry cash with you. Credit cards are generally accepted. This may not be the case in smaller cities so you should double-check when you land.

☎️ Where do I get a SIM card from?

Some popular telecom companies are

Smart, and Metfone


💦 Can I drink tap water?

No, you cannot drink tap water. Bottled water is recommended.

🚕What do I use to get around?

Popular ride-hailing services include


Exchange Rates

The primary currency is KHR.

1 FJD = 1862.831400 KHR

To put that in perspective, the average dinner will cost you roughly $3.94 USD.

Visa Status

A Visa will be provided by Customs and Immigration at the port of entry to citizens of Cambodia

Notes and Passport Validity

There are no special notes about passport validity at this time. In general, it is good to ensure that your passport is valid 3 months after your trip ends.

Safety and Security

Do not travel.

Enhanced health screening and entry restrictions are in place due to the COVID-19 pandemic. You'll be denied entry to Cambodia if you have visited or transited through Italy, Germany, Spain, France, the United States or Iran in the last 14 days. Cambodia's border with Vietnam has been closed until further notice. Monitor the media for information on latest developments and follow the advice of local authorities. If you are in Cambodia and you wish to leave, you should do so as soon as possible by commercial means. We now advise you to: Do not travel to Cambodia.


These values are calculated by computing the average scores that we have available to us across all cities in Cambodia. In some cases, they may not be completely accurate.

Internet Speed (2.39 / 5)
Safety (3.25 / 5)
Cost of Living (5.00 / 5)
Average Hotel Cost

$18.00 USD / night

Average Dinners

$3.94 USD

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Popular Cities in Cambodia

Phnom Penh

Siem Reap

