Travel Information

Indian citizens travelling to Benin

Citizens of India that are travelling to Benin can get a visa on arrival.

Flights and Prices

Flight prices to Benin from India usually are around 55036.00 INR. RwandAir is a common carrier airline.

Exchange Rates

The primary currency is XCD.

1 INR = 0.037671 XCD

Visa Status

A Visa will be provided by Customs and Immigration at the port of entry to citizens of Benin

Notes and Passport Validity

Ensure that your passport is valid for 30 days / 8 days past your travel date.

Must have an international vaccination certificate.:

Safety and Security

Do not travel.

Due to COVID-19, you are only allowed to enter or exit Benin if it is an 'extreme necessity’. If you travel to Benin despite our advice, note that visas are restricted. If you enter by air, you will be quarantined. Non-essential public gatherings are suspended. We now advise you to: Do not travel to Benin.


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Popular Cities in Benin

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