Travel Information

Russian citizens travelling to South Africa

Citizens of Russia that are travelling to South Africa can travel without a visa.

What to expect in South Africa

🤝 friendly locals
🐌 Below average wifi
⛅ warm weather
🏖️ beaches
mild weather

Flights and Prices

Flight prices to South Africa from Russia usually are around 34671.00 RUB. Virgin Atlantic is a common carrier airline.

International and domestic airlines

Common international airlines are

Emirates, South African Airways, and KLM

. Popular domestic airlines are

Mango, Kulula, and South African Express

Common Tourist Questions

🥘 Do I need to tip?

No, you are not expected to tip at restaurants and other service businesses.

💰 Should I carry cash?

Yes, you should carry cash on you. Foreigners usually deal in cash.

☎️ Where do I get a SIM card from?

Some popular telecom companies are

Cell C, NeoTel, and MTN


💦 Can I drink tap water?

Yes, you can generally drink tap water. This may not apply in smaller towns and rural areas. Double-check when you arrive.

🚕What do I use to get around?

Popular ride-hailing services include


Exchange Rates

The primary currency is ZAR.

1 RUB = 0.227616 ZAR

To put that in perspective, the average dinner will cost you roughly $5.84 USD.

Visa Status

A Visa is not required for citizens of South Africa. Tourists are able to visit without a visa for a certain amount of time.

Notes and Passport Validity

Ensure that your passport is valid for 90 days past your travel date.

Extension of stay possible for an additional 90 days.:

Safety and Security

Do not travel.

A national state of disaster has been declared in South Africa with additional measures to combat the spread of COVID-19. These include additional screening and testing at airports and closure of many land crossings and sea ports. If you've travelled to high-risk countries such as China, Germany, Iran, Italy, South Korea, Spain, the UK and the US in the last 20 days, you'll be denied a visa. If you entered South Africa from high-risk countries since mid-February, you're required to be tested for COIVD-19. If you travelled to South Africa despite our advice and wish to return to Australia, do so as soon as possible while commercial flight options are available. We now advise you to: Do not travel to South Africa.


These values are calculated by computing the average scores that we have available to us across all cities in South Africa. In some cases, they may not be completely accurate.

Internet Speed (2.88 / 5)
Safety (2.20 / 5)
Cost of Living (4.51 / 5)
Average Hotel Cost

$46.50 USD / night

Average Dinners

$5.84 USD

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Popular Cities in South Africa

Cape Town



Port Elizabeth


